Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

PM’s remarks at the India-Bangladesh virtual bilateral summit

  • Today the whole world is organizing virtual summits. But this medium is not new for us. We have been interacting via video conferencing for many years now.
  • Several times we have also launched and inaugurated projects via video conferencing.
  • Excellency, Following the Victory Day, our meeting today is of even more special significance.
  • It is a matter of pride for us to celebrate the historic victory of Bangladesh over Anti-liberation forces as the Victory Day with you.
  • Today, when Bangladesh is celebrating forty nine years of independence, I pay homage to the martyrs of both the countries who sacrificed their lives.
  • On the occasion of Victory Day, yesterday I paid tributes at the National War Memorial in India and lighted a ‘Golden Victory Torch’.
  • These four ‘Victory Torches’ will tour all over India and will be taken to all the villages of our martyrs.
  • Since 16 December, we are celebrating the ‘Golden Victory Year’, during which many events will be organized across India.
  • Excellency, I congratulate you on behalf of all the Indians on the occasion of ‘Mujib Borsho’,
  • Thank you for the invitation to visit Bangladesh next year. It would be a matter of pride for me to pay tribute to Bangabandhu with you.
  • Excellency, Bangladesh is a major pillar of our ‘Neighborhood First’ policy. From the very first day, strengthening and development of relations with Bangladesh has been a special priority for me.
  • It’s a fact that this year has been challenging due to the global pandemic. But it is a matter of gratification that India and Bangladesh had good cooperation in this difficult time.
  • Whether it be medicines or medical equipment, or working with health professionals. We are also having good cooperation in the field of vaccine.
  • We will also take special care of your needs in this regard. I thank you for the contribution of Bangladesh under SAARC framework.
  • Other than health, this year our special partnership has been steadily advancing in other areas as well.
  • We reduced hurdles in land border trade, expanded connectivity between the two countries, and added new means.



