आत्मनिर्भर भारत की बुनियाद बनेगी हर्बल खेती
देश के कई शहरों में चाइनीज वायरस की वजह से फिर से लॉकडाउन करना पड़ा है। औद्योगिक क्षेत्रों में मजदूर...
Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation
देश के कई शहरों में चाइनीज वायरस की वजह से फिर से लॉकडाउन करना पड़ा है। औद्योगिक क्षेत्रों में मजदूर...
Over three years ago, in 2017, the government of China launched its plan of National Champions in te...
The Covid pandemic has affected every country and really changed our lives. Each nation has been do...
The Prime Minister’s visit to Ladakh to motivate the valiant soldiers protecting our motherland was...
“Swami Vivekananda received us very cordially. We took tea. In the course of the conversation Swamij...
Through the Modi Government’s concentrated and untiring efforts, India’s long-suppressed civilisatio...
मप्र के मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान के सबन्ध में कहा जाता है कि वे अभूतपूर्व व्यक्ति है। सार्वजनिक...
Had any other party’s chief minister’s office been embroiled in a scandal connected to the smuggling...
As the state inches towards the Assembly elections, Mamata Banerjee and her politics seem to have be...
Water is one of the great challenges of the 21st century with almost half of the global population e...
The world is witnessing an unprecedented level of a pandemic related crisis coupled with economic di...
You mean to say that a man devoted to meditation and contemplation, sitting in one corner of India,...
In 1962, Pandit Nehru continued his passive response to blatant signs of aggression by the Chinese,...
Background Our wellbeing, social relations and economic growth have been greatly impacted by the Cov...
The party’s ‘first family ‘is essentially driven by a dictatorial mindset and thus its invective-dri...
Rahul Gandhi’s absence from meetings of Parliament’s defence committee only shows how uninterested o...
Pandit Nehru’s excessive use of restraint without any semblance of action in matters of strategic re...
মাও-সে-তুং তিব্বত কে চিনের হাতের তালু এবং লাদাখ, নেপাল, ভুটান, সিকিম ও অরুণাচল প্রদেশকে চিনের হাতের...
Be it remembered that the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the CPIM, was formed in the aftermath...
PM Modi has broken the Nehruvian Consensus on how our borders must be defended. This has unnerved In...
View Full PDF – How the Perilous Political Culture of Anti-Industry Agitation Forced the Rural...
Prime Minister Modi has stated that twenty of our jawans were martyred but not before they taught a...
श्यामाप्रसाद मुखर्जी शायद अपने दौर के उन नेताओं में से थे जिन्होंने बहुत कम उम्र में राष्ट्रीय राजनी...
On his death anniversary, as the Indian Tricolour flies uncontested in J&K, Dr Mookerjee’s...
पिछले दो लोकसभा चुनावों (2014-2019) में राजनीतिक पंडितों के अनुमान, अंदाजे और गणित को धता बताते हुए...
In exploring this link with Bengal and Gujarat, let us begin with Sri Aurobindo. On the day when Pri...
As PM Modi attempts to settle our unsettled history, the Gandhi family must answer for the mistakes...
The Home Minister’s ‘Banglar Jana Samabesh’ comes at a time when people are increasingly being attra...
A contextual look at the background of the ideal of ‘Aatma Nirbhar Bharat’, of past glories and deva...
कोविड महामारी की वजह से घोषित चार चरणों के लॉक डाउन के बाद अब देश ‘अनलॉक 1.0’ के पहले चरण में प्रवेश...
On May 12, 2020 Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation and announced an economic package...
1. Less water, higher demand India has about 4% of the world’s freshwater resources but houses appro...
विगत 12 मई को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने देश के साथ संवाद करते हुए ‘आत्मनिर्भर भारत’ की ओर बढ़ने क...
विश्व के दूसरे देशों की तरह भारत भी चाइनीज वायरस प्रकोप से जूझ रहा है। हालांकि, समय से हुई देशबंदी औ...
Ayan Banerjee & Smaranika Banerjee The term ‘Sewa’ is something, which is essentiall...
The economic package announced by the Modi government has a strong rural bias that could help decong...
Reforms, whether political or economic, are never a one step process. Big bang reforms often need se...
India’s age-old pursuit of the ideal of becoming a responsible, reliable and self-dependent world po...
यह सच है कि कोरोना वायरस की मार से विश्व का कोई भी देश बच नहीं सका है, लेकिन यह भी सच है कि इसका असर...
The coronavirus or Covid-19 that broke out in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019 and quickly...