Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

Salient Points of PM Modi’s speech on release of full volumes of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya’s works

• While talking about Pandit Deendayal Ji, among the first things that we remember is his simplicity.

• In a short span of time, one party completed the journey from ‘Vipaksh’ to ‘Vikalp’ and this was due to foundations laid by Deendayal Ji.

• Organisation based political parties, this is a contribution of Deendayal Ji. This was the identity of the Jan Sangh & the BJP.

• Dr. Lohia spoke about the efforts of Deendayal Ji that resulted in the people getting an alternative to the Congress in 1967.

• Deendayal Ji was known for his simplicity & his focus on organisation based politics to serve India & our people.

• Deendayal Ji gave impetus to ‘Karyakarta Nirman.’ The Karyakarta inspired by him are party centric and the party is nation centric.

• At the core of Pandit Deendayal Ji’s thoughts were the poor, the villages, the farmers, the Dalits, the marginalized.
