Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

PM’s keynote address at ASSOCHAM Foundation Week 2020

  • Namaskar! President of ASSOCHAM, Shri Niranjan Hiranandani; the inspiration of the industrial world in this country, Shri Ratan Tata; all the friends leading the industrial world of the country; ladies and gentlemen!
  • Here, it is said – कुर्वन्नेह कर्माणि जिजी-विषेत् शतं समा:! That is, have the desire to live for a hundred years following your karma.
  • This saying is perfect for ASSOCHAM. In the last 100 years, all of you are working hard to improve the economy of the country and the lives of crores of Indians.
  • The same is true for Shri Ratan Tataji and the entire Tata group. He has also been honoured here today for his contribution and the contribution of the Tata family or the Tata group in India’s development.
  • The Tata group has played a major role in the development of the country. Friends, In the last 100 years, you have been a part of all the ups and downs in the journey from the struggle for India’s freedom to the development of the country.
  • The first 27 years of the establishment of ASSOCHAM were spent in the period of colonialism. At that time independence was the greatest goal of the country.
  • At that time, your dreams were under shackles. Now the next 27 years are very important for the future of ASSOCHAM.
  • After 27 years, the country will complete 100 years of its independence in 2047. You are freed from all kinds of shackles; you have complete freedom to touch the sky and you have to take full advantage of it.
  • Now you should use your complete strength in the coming years for a self-reliant India. Today, the world is moving rapidly towards the fourth industrial revolution.
  • There will be challenges in the form of new technology and various new and simple solutions will also be found.
  • So today is the time when we have to plan and act. We have to connect together every year, every goal with one Larger Goal of Nation Building.
  • Friends, The coming 27 years are not only going to determine India’s global role, but are also going to test both the dreams and dedication of Indians.
  • This time, as the Indian industry, your Capability, Commitment and Courage has to be shown all over the world with confidence.
  • And our challenge is not just being self-reliant but how quickly can we achieve this goal is equally important.
  • Friends, Positivity in the world today about India’s success is like never before. This positivity has come from the unprecedented confidence of over 130 crore Indians.
  • Now India is making new avenues to move forward with a new energy. Friends, In the revious sessions.
  • The ministers and other colleagues have discussed in detail with you all about the policies and strategies of the government and the changes brought for every sector.
  • Due to the circumstances which existed before, there was a time when it was asked – Why India?
  • Now after looking at the impact of the reforms that have taken place in the country, it is being asked – ‘Why not India’?
  • For e.g. earlier when the tax rates were, people would say – Why India? Today the same people say ‘why not India?’ as it has the most competitive tax rates.
  • Earlier there was a network of regulations and rules, so naturally investors used to ask, Why India? Today they are saying that there is ease of compliance in labour laws, so why not India?
  • Earlier the question was if there is so much of Red Tapism, then why India? Now when the same people see the Red Carpet rolled out for them, they say, Why not India?
  • Earlier there were complaints against lack of a culture of innovation, so why India? Today, watching the strength of India’s start-up ecosystems, the world is confidently saying, Why not India?
  • Earlier as there was so much government interference in everything, they asked why India? Today as private participation is being trusted, foreign investors are being encouraged, then the same people are asking, Why not India?
  • Earlier people complained against the absence of digital infrastructure as work was not possible, then why India?
  • Today when we have a modern digital ecosystem in place, the sentiment here is that of ‘why not India’?



