Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

PM’s closing remarks at virtual meeting with Chief Ministers on COVID-19

  • At the outset, I express my gratitude to all the honourable chief ministers for taking time out and presenting their points with great seriousness.
  • But this is my request that all the states at the officer-level are involved in all the discussions that took place, we also have the experiences of the world, but still chief ministers have their special experience.
  • People working in public life have a special vision. Therefore, this is my request to you if your suggestions come in writing at the earliest, because all of you raised some important issues.
  • It will be easier for us to work out our strategy. And this can’t be enforced on anybody. It can’t be that only the Indian government will take a decision (without consulting) the state governments.
  • Together, we have to work on it and therefore everybody’s suggestions are very important. A lot of information has emerged in the presentations related to corona infections.
  • Earlier today, I talked to some of the chief ministers where the situation is slightly deteriorating.
  • As far as the vaccine is concerned, there have been discussions regarding the status and distribution of vaccine.
  • What the media says is quite different. Since we are part of the system, we will have to move ahead authentically. The situation has become somewhat clear.
  • There was a time when all of us were faced with the challenge of fighting an unknown force. But the collective efforts of the country took on the challenge and kept the losses at minimum.
  • As far as the recovery rate and fatality rate is concerned, the position of India is much better than most of the countries in the world.
  • A huge network from testing to treatment is underway in the country with our concerted efforts. The network is constantly being expanded.
  • There has been special emphasis to ensure supply of oxygen and ventilators through PM CARES. Efforts are underway to make all the medical colleges and district hospitals in the country self-sufficient as far as oxygen generation is concerned.
  • Therefore, the process to build over 160 oxygen plants has already started. Thousands of new ventilators have been ensured in hospitals across the country through the PM CARES Fund.
  • Two thousand crore rupees have already been sanctioned for ventilators under the PM CARES Fund.
  • Friends, The country has enough data in the wake of experience gained in the last 8-10 months since the outbreak of corona, there is comprehensive experience regarding management of corona.
  • While formulating future strategy, I think we will also have to understand how the people and the society have reacted in the last few months.
  • See, the behavior of the people of India during the corona has been contrasting in different stages and at different places.
  • There was tremendous fear in the first stage; nobody knew what will happen to him. And the situation was similar in the entire world.
  • Everybody was in panic and was reacting accordingly. Initially, there were also incidents of suicides. A few of them committed suicide after they came to know that they have contracted corona.



