Better Late than Never : Slow, but steady will win the “Road” race
By Rahul Mehta The Grand Trunk Road was constructed by Sher Shah Suri in 1545 and rebuilt by the Bri...
Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation
By Rahul Mehta The Grand Trunk Road was constructed by Sher Shah Suri in 1545 and rebuilt by the Bri...
Salient points of PM Modi’s speech in Rajya Sabha on the ‘motion of thanks’ to President’s address स...
सशक्तिकरण उनका होता है, जिनका सशक्तिकरण नहीं है लेकिन जो सशक्त है, उनका सशक्तिकरण कौन करेगा और ये बा...
Role of Rules and Laws in achieving Sustainable Development:The role of rules and laws in achieving...
Foreign Affairs Department, BJP in collaboration with Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation...
Mahamana’s Vision:मैं भारत रत्न महामना जी के चरणों में वंदन करता हूं कि 100 वर्ष पूर्व जिस बीज उन्...
By Amit Cowshish The Ministry of Defence (MoD) created a flutter last month when it made public the...
By Aseervatham Achary It was the fag end of UPA Rule in the month of January, 2014 when all the Prin...
समाज में परिवर्तन लाने का प्रयास जो किसी को करना है, जो शिक्षा और संस्कार दोनों को मिलाना चाहते हैं,...
By Anirban Ganguly The first week of February saw an interesting development in the BJP’s central se...
By Nitin Gokhale “India has done enough to simplify it’s defence procurement and other norms....
By Shakti Sinha Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in Kabul on December 25th to jointly inaugur...
COP 21 के निर्णयों के संबंध में तो विश्व में भली- भॉंति बातें पहुँची हैं लेकिन पेरिस की धरती...
It is universally accepted that this century belongs to Asia. Asia is at the crossroads of a very sp...
बाबा साहेब अम्बेडकर ने इस देश को बहुत कुछ दिया। लेकिन एक बात जो इस देश के भविष्य के लिए अनिवा...
By Anirban Ganguly In India’s engagement with France, through alliances of climate, ene...
अगर जीवन में संकल्प का सामर्थ्य हो, संकल्प के लिए समर्पित भाव हो और जीवन आहूत करने की अदम्य इच्...
जब Start-up की चर्चा होती है तो ज्यांदातर IT के आस-पास ही सोचा जाता है और अब हर कुछ कितने कदम दूर है...
By Dr. Anirban Ganguly The Prime Minister of India ought to be able to travel with ease in the South...
By Parag Amalnerker India’s journey post-independence needs an objective analysis for any meaningful...
Dr. Uttam K Sinha Every success symbolises a new beginning. In all fairness and leaving aside some m...
By Ambassador R. Dayakar The 3-day visit of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to India (11-13 December) repr...
By Siddharth Singh Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with French President François Hollande jointl...
By Nirmala Joshi Redefining Governance Ed: Anirban Ganguly Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan, Rs 400 Pr...
Round table discussion organised by SPMRF on 26th December 2015 “Dalit Entrepreneurship: Tracing the...
Round table Discussion on 23rd December 2015 on “India-US Partnership in the Current Global Scenario...
Since ancient times, different civilizations have given a special place to Sun. In the Indian tradit...
Salient points of PM’s Statement in Lok Sabha on conclusion of debate on commitment to the constitut...
ऱोकतंत्र की सबसे ऩहऱी अननवाययता है जागरूकता और उस जागरूकता के लऱए हर प्रकार के प्रयास ननरन्तर आवश्यक...
The prosperous still have a strong carbon footprint. And, the world’s billions at the bottom of the...
ASEAN-India Strategic Partnership: As always, ASEAN is providing both inspiration and leadership for...
To bridge the digital divide we will have to make ‘Digital India’ a success story आज वक़्त बदल गया है...
By Aditi Jain In India, it is estimated according to the World Bank that almost 10 million people mi...