Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation


Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation (SPMRF) has emerged as a forum which facilitates the convergence of ideas, positions and visions that aspire to strengthen the nation and preserve her unity and integrity and contribute towards her progress and integral development.

Committed to the nationalist ideological vision and thoughts of Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee and Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay, SPMRF strives to strengthen and to uphold issues and positions in tune with India’s national interest. It aims to identify the multifarious challenges before the nation and the people and attempts to bring about a greater awareness of these among a wider cross-section of our people. It aims to do this through analysing, examining and studying, not only the present context of the challenges, but also their historical and civilisational backdrop. The principal area of the Foundation’s focus is to create an intellectual ambience where nationalist thought and nationalism can find free expression. Through research, publications, advocacy, debates, discussions and round-tables, the Foundation aims to highlight issues that are crucial in the national interest. A wide number of experts have, over a period, lent their support, expertise and insight to such an effort. National resurgence, cultural rejuvenation, national integration and national self-reliance are the ideals which SPMRF espouses and strives to work for.

SPMRF provides a platform for experts, practitioners, academics and other opinion makers to come together and exchange ideas, evolve positions on a wide range of issues facing the nation with the objective of educating a wider public opinion. In order to encourage the study and dissemination of the work and legacy of Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee – educationist, statesman and founder of the Bharatiya Jan Sangh, the mother political organisation of the Bharatiya Janata Party – SPMRF has also undertaken research on his life and work by bringing out new facets which can inspire youth to dedicate themselves for national progress and for working to uphold and sustain the grand vision of “One India” and “Great India.”

It is to realise this vision of national cohesion, unity and oneness that SPMRF invites all to make a positive effort and to contribute their best thoughts and achievements that may lead India to greater pinnacles of glory and strength.
