Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

Salient Points of PM Narendra Modi’s “Mann Ki Baat” programme on All India Radio on 25 Jun, 2017

• Weather is changing. The monsoon seems to be on time, bringing a relief from the heat

• Greetings to everyone on Rath Yatra. The poor of India are attached to Lord Jagannath.

• Those who have studied the life and works of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar, would have observed that he had wholeheartedly praised the Lord Jagannath temple and its traditions, since, social justice and social equality were inherent to these.

• The movement to clean India is a mass movement. It is no longer restricted to Governments alone

• Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

• The Emergency will be remembered for the way in which people of India came together and safeguarded the democratic values.

• On 21st June, the rays of the sun were welcomed with people practising Yoga

• Yoga is about fitness and wellness.

• India’s diversity is its unique characteristic, and India’s diversity is also its strength.

• We know that in our country there are three states that have already been declared Open Defecation Free states, that is, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala.

• Uttarakhand and Haryana have also been declared ODF, this week. I express my gratitude to the administration, government and especially the people of these five states, for achieving this objective.

• From the seashores to the mountains, people welcomed the first rays of the sun, with Yoga. Which Indian wouldn’t be proud of this!

• Giving a book or a Khadi product always helps. It is long lasting.

• Government E-Marketplace – about transparency, empowerment and enterprise.

• Sports has several benefits. Those who play, shine


(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)