Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

Salient Points of PM Narendra Modi’s address to the Indian Community in Yangon on 06 Sep, 2017

  • I am very happy to be with you all today, in this city of history and spirituality
  • When I am travelling, I make it a point to interact with the Indian diaspora
  • The Indian diaspora has contributed to the development of wherever they have settled. They also kept in touch with their roots
  • Global recognition of Yoga is the achievement of the diaspora, which took Yoga all over the world
  • Before coming here, I had requested you to give me your inputs through the Narendra Modi Mobile App & I got many insightful suggestions
  • Based on the feedback of the diaspora we have undertaken numerous measures for the diaspora
  • EAM Sushma Swaraji very active. She is sensitive to the concerns of every Indian in any part of the world and is always ready to help
  • We are not merely reforming India but are transforming India. A new India is being built
  • An India free from poverty, terrorism, corruption, communalism, casteism is being created
  • Good infrastructure is not longer about roads & rail only…it includes several other aspects that bring a qualitative change in society
  • Infraculture is important. By infraculture I mean quality infrastructure that benefits our farmers
  • We have not shied away from taking decisions that are tough. For us, the nation is bigger than politics
  • GST is ushering in a new culture across the nation
  • People of India have the confidence that India can be transformed and we can break free from some of the evils that entered our systems
  • India is seen as a thought leader on the global stage
  • People to people ties are the strength of India-Myanmar relations
