Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

Salient Points of PM Modi’s reply to ‘Motion of Thanks’ to the President’s address, in Lok Sabha on 07 Feb, 2017

  • Various members of the House added vigour into the debate & shared insightful points. I thank the MPs for their participation
  • How can someone see ‘SEVA’ or any positive virtue in the word ‘SCAM’
  • There is something very special about ‘Jan Shakti’
  • We remember how democracy was under threat from 1975 to 1977, when opposition leaders were jailed, newspaper freedom curtailed
  • It is due to this ‘Jan Shakti’ that the person born to a poor family can become the Prime Minister of India
  • There are many people like me, who could not die for the nation during the freedom struggle but we are living for India & serving India
  • Somewhere on the way, ‘Jan Shakti’ was forgotten. We do not accept this
  • Let us understand & appreciate the inherent strength of our people & take India to newer heights. Faith in Jan Shakti will give results
  • I had said it from the Red Fort- every Prime Minister has contributed to the nation
  • I was surprised that there were some who made cleanliness also a political issue. Why can’t we work together on ushering a Swachh Bharat
  • When Rail budget was first presented, the transport sector was different. Now things are different & a more comprehensive look is needed
  • From Day 1, we have been clear- we are ready for a discussion on demonetisation but some were more keen on TV bytes & not debates
  • पहले होता था – कितना गया, अब होता है – मोदी जी कितना लाये…this is how discourse has changed after we have assumed office
  • It does not matter how big you are, you will have to give back what belongs to the poor. My fight is for the poor
  • My fight is for the poor and giving the poor their due. This fight will continue
  • आप कितने भी बड़े क्यों न हो, आपको गरीबों के हक का लौटना पड़ेगा। मैं गरीबों के लिए लड़ता रहा हूँ और आगे भी लड़ता रहूँगा
  • We do not see everything from the prism of elections. The interests of the nation are supreme for us
  • When can you have an operation? When the body is healthy. The economy was doing well and thus our decision was taken at the right time
  • Like Swachh Bharat, the decision on demonetisation is a movement to clean India (from corruption and black money)
  • नोटबंदी के दौरान एक तरफ देश को लूटने वाले लोग थे और दूसरी तरफ ईमानदारी का प्रयास किया जा रहा था
  • Why was it that there were crop insurance schemes earlier but farmers were not keen to avail of the benefits
  • हमारी देश की सेना का हम जितना गुणगान करें, उतना कम है। हमारी सेना इस राष्ट्र की रक्षा के लिए पूर्ण रूप से सामर्थ्यवान है
