Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

Salient Points of PM Modi’s remarks at the inauguration of National Institute of Securities Markets campus at Patalganga on 24th Dec, 2016

  • India is being seen as a bright spot. Growth is projected to remain among the highest in the world
  • India’s place as the fastest growing large economy has not come about by accident
  • In 2012-13 fiscal deficit had reached alarming levels.Currency was falling sharply.Inflation was high. Current account deficit was rising
  • In less than 3 years, this government has transformed the economy
  • Financial markets can play an important role in the modern economy
  • However history has shown that financial markets can also do damage if not properly regulated
  • For financial markets to function successfully, participants need to be well informed
  • India has earned a good name for its well regulated securities markets
  • Government is very keen to encourage start-ups. Stock markets are essential for the start-up ecosystem
  • Our markets should show that they are able to successfully raise capital for projects benefiting the vast majority of our population
  • SEBI should work for closer linkage between spot markets like e-NAM and derivatives markets to benefit farmers
  • Those who profit from financial markets must make a fair contribution to nation-building through taxes
  • My aim is to make India a developed country in one generation


(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)