• I am coming here, to Chhattisgarh at a time when there is a festive season across the nation
• On a day like this, we remember the work of our beloved Atal Ji. He was the one who made Chhattisgarh
• When the 3 states were being created (in 2000), it was done in a very peaceful and harmonious manner by Atal Ji
• For 13 years, Dr. Raman Singh ji has got the opportunity to serve the people of Chhattisgarh & create an atmosphere of development
• Chhattisgarh shows the way and demonstrates how a relatively smaller state can scale new heights of development
• The impact of the development initiatives will benefit generations to come in Chhattisgarh
• Was taken to the jungle safari by the Chief Minister. It is his pet project. I see great scope for tourism in Chhattisgarh
• Why must we give importance to tourism? Because it gives economic opportunities to the poorest of the poor
• When I say the Government has taken up work on skill development in a big way, who does this help? It helps poor, enhances their dignity
• When a farmer produces something, the entire nation has to be the market
• Value addition always helps the farmer. Glad to see Chhattisgarh has taken up initiatives that enable value addition for farmers
• With beneficiaries of various schemes…I compliment Chhattisgarh Govt & Dr. Raman Singh for creating an atmosphere of progress in the state
• Be it agriculture, skill development & economic reforms, our efforts are aimed at helping the poor overcome poverty
(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)