Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

Salient Points of PM Modi’s address at the inauguration of the 104th Session of the Indian Science Congress, Tirupati on 03 Jan, 2017

  • Nation will always be grateful to scientists who have worked tirelessly to empower our society by their vision, labour, and leadership
  • Tomorrow’s experts will come from investments we make today in our people and infrastructure
  • Government is committed to supporting different streams of scientific knowledge
  • Ranging from fundamental science to applied science with emphasis on innovations
  • We need to keep an eye on the rise of disruptive technologies and be prepared to leverage them for growth
  • One important area that needs to be addressed is the rapid global rise of Cyber-Physical Systems
  • There is a need to develop and exploit these technologies in services and manufacturing sectors
  • Our best science and technology institutions should further strengthen their basic research in line with leading global standards
  • Translating this basic knowledge into innovations, start-ups and industry will help us achieve inclusive and sustainable growth
  • Science must meet the rising aspirations of our people
  • Another empowering factor for scientific delivery is the Ease of Doing Science. If we want science to deliver, we must not constrain it
  • On the lines of Corporate Social Responsibility, concept of Scientific Social Responsibility needs to be inculcated to connect our leading institutions to all stakeholders, including schools and colleges
  • The brightest and best in every corner of India should have the opportunity to excel in science
  • Seeding the power of ideas & innovation in schoolchildren will broaden the base of our innovation pyramid & secure future of our nation
  • The role of science in planning, decision making and governance has never been more important
  • Our scientists have contributed strongly to the strategic vision of the nation
  • The Government remains committed to provide the best support to our scientists and scientific institutions
