- 2015 was a momentous year! Apart from Sendai Framework, international community adopted 2 major frameworks to shape future of humanity
- They are the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
- Over the last two decades, the world and especially our region has undergone many changes– most of them positive
- The Asia-Pacific region has been a global leader in more ways than one
- We in Asia have learnt from disasters
- A quarter century ago, only a handful of Asian nations had national disaster management institutions
- Today, over thirty Asian countries have dedicated institutions leading disaster risk management efforts
- We now have a fully functional Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System
- If we compare impact of cyclone events in 1999 & 2013, we can see progress made
- Let me outline a ten-point agenda for renewing our efforts towards disaster risk reduction
- First, all development sectors must imbibe the principles of disaster risk management
- Second, work towards risk coverage for all–starting from poor households to SMEs to multi-national corporations to nation states
- Third, encourage greater involvement and leadership of women in disaster risk management
- Fourth, invest in risk mapping globally. For mapping risks related to hazards like earthquakes we have accepted standards & parameters
- Fifth, leverage technology to enhance the efficiency of our disaster risk management efforts
- Sixth, develop a network of universities to work on disaster issues
- Seventh, utilize the opportunities provided by social media and mobile technologies
- Eighth, build on local capacity and initiative
- Ninth, opportunity to learn from a disaster must not be wasted. After every disaster there are papers on lessons that are rarely applied
- And tenth, bring about greater cohesion in international response to disasters
- We have to wholeheartedly embrace the spirit of Sendai which calls for an all-of-society approach to disaster risk management
(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)