- Thank you once again for your time and your ideas. We have had a very productive and constructive discussion today.
- We all agree that evolving a common strategy is critical to handling such challenges.
- And, we agreed to find cooperative solutions – we will share knowledge, best practices, capacities, and where possible, resources.
- Some partners have made specific requests, including about medicine and equipment. My team has taken careful note of these. Let me assure you, that we will do our best for our neighbours.
- Let us ask our officials to maintain close contact and develop a common strategy, in the spirit of partnership and working together.
- Let us identify nodal experts from each of our countries, and they can have a similar video-conference one week from now, to follow up on our discussions today.
- We have to fight this battle together, and we have to win it together.
- Our neighbourhood collaboration should be a model for the world.
- Let me conclude by wishing all our citizens good health, and success in our united efforts to tackle this pandemic in our region.
(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)