Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

Salient Points of PM’s address on Budget 2019-20

I congratulate the middle class and the salaried middle class for the income tax rebate in this budget.Thanks to the honest taxpayers of the middle and upper middle class who follow the law of the land and pay taxes.

This tax money is utilized for public welfare schemes and improving the lot of the poor.It has been a long pending demand for years that no income tax should be levied on the income up to Rs.5 lakhs. Our Government has met this demand pending for so many years.
Friends, India is developing in different spheres. New schemes are coming up, new areas are being explored and the number of people engaged in these fields has grown manifold.
However, the unorganised sector- be it the labourers, household workers, agricultural labourers or manual thelawalas, a large cross section of the society has been neglected.

They have been left to fend of on their own.There are around 40-42 crore unorganised labourers in our country.

Pradhan MantriShram Yogi Man DhanYojna will be a major support for them after the age of 60 years. They will not only will get the benefits of Ayushman Bharat Yojna, Pradhan MantriJeevanJyotiBimaYojna, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha BimaYojna, Pradhan MantriAwasYojna and other welfare schemes, but also receive pension to meet their daily expenses.

Brothers and Sisters, our Government has been making efforts to reach out to people at the last mile of development. We have decided to set up a Welfare Board for nomadic communities like Madaris, Snake charmers, Banzaras, Gadiyalohars etc.

I am hopeful that after proper recognition, the benefits of development will reach out to these communities at a faster pace.


(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)