Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

Salient Points of PM’s address at the inauguration of the 105th Indian Science Congress in Manipur on 16 Mar, 2018

I am told that this is just the second time in over a century, that the Indian Science Congress is being held in the North-East. This is a testimony to the resurgent spirit of the North East. It bodes well for the future

The time is ripe to redefine ‘R&D’ as ‘Research’ for the ‘Development’ of the nation. Science is after all, but a means to a far greater end; of making a difference in the lives of others, of furthering human progress and welfare

An ‘Ethno-Medicinal Research Centre’ has been set up in Manipur to undertake research on the wild herbs available in the North-East region, which have unique medicinal and aromatic properties.

Our scientific achievements need to be communicated to society. This will help inculcate scientific temper among youth. We have to throw open our institutions & laboratories to our children. I call upon scientists to develop a mechanism for interaction with school-children

We are committed to increasing the share of non-fossil fuel based capacity in the electricity mix above 40% by 2030. India is a leader in the multi-country Solar Alliance and in Mission Innovation. These groupings are providing a thrust to R&D for clean energy

Our Government has already given the go-ahead to establish 3rd LIGO detector in the country. It will expand our knowledge in basic sciences in the areas of lasers, light waves & computing. I am told that our scientists are tirelessly working towards making this a reality


(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)