Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

Salient points of PM Modi’s address at Community event in Johannesburg, South Africa


• We may live on distant shores; in different time zones; and on different hemispheres; our ancestors may have been separated in history; our nationalities may be different; and our support may be for different cricket teams but, our common cultural, religious and spiritual heritage ensured that we remain close and connected. Both, in our hearts and our minds.

• Centuries ago, our ancestors travelled to the unknown shores of South Africa. They faced hardship and extreme poverty. Yet, they endured and kept going. Under decades of Apartheid isolation, they not only preserved their culture, traditions and language.

• In staying true to the Indian ethos, of वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम्, the notion that the world is a family, you have cared for others. And, in so doing you have also echoed the South African ethos of UmuntuNgumuntuNgabantu (You are what you are because of other people)

• In many ways, what Indian diaspora stands for all over the world today is because of what your forefathers were able to achieve despite all adversities.

• It was here that Mahatma Gandhi conceptualised his politics. This is the birthplace of Satyagraha. South Africa transformed Mohandas into a Mahatma.

• South Africa is a sacred land. It is the land of Madiba, and the कर्मभूमि of Mahatma Gandhi. The path these two great men have shown us, and the freedom that they have won for us, is an inspiration for all of mankind. Their tireless spirit, courage and moral force will remain a guiding beacon for the generations to come. The Mahatma led India’s march to freedom from the British, which gave birth to modern India. The forgiveness of Nelson Mandela and his Long March to Freedom gave rise to A Rainbow Nation.

• We live in a world that is inter-dependent and hyper-connected. Many of you are now closely engaged with developments in India. Your desire to connect with the lands of your forefathers may be an emotional urge. But, you need not limit yourself to that alone.

• India, today, is also a land of opportunity for those who want to: Connect and collaborate; Innovate and create;Trade and Invest; and Produce and Engineer.

• India is today one of the brightest spots in the global economy. In a world marked by reducing growth rates and economic slowdown, India has registered a healthy growth rate of 7.6% this year. We are working to grow over 8% and more in the years ahead. India’s dynamism is not of mere words. It is driven by concrete action. And, is defined by our commitment to change the face of the Indian economy. Not, just through sustained rapid economic growth. But, through multiple transformations.

• Transformations that aim to uplift: India’s 1.25 billion people;its 500 cities; and its six hundred thousand villages.

• Backed by the strength of the best information technology specialists in the world, we are also shaping a digital revolution.A revolution that would change the way:a government engages with its citizens;a business interacts with its clients; and a society relates to its old and new structures.

• There is a wave of new momentum in our villages. The cities are full of enterprise and energy. There is confidence in our youth. And, the citizens of India are full of optimism.

• India’s rise is a story of: Rare resilience: Renewed resurgence; superb speed; and spectacular scale.

• Today, India’s success story can be define in just four letters. They are letters of HOPE, where: H is for: Harmony; O for: Optimism; P for: Potential; and E for: Energy.And the credit for this does not go to Modi. It goes to 1.25 billion people of India. And, to the fact that they placed their faith in my government and gave it a mandate to govern.


(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)