Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

PM’s remarks at Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Summit 2020

  • First of all, I would like to congratulate President Putin for the efficient leadership of the SCO, and for hosting this summit despite the challenges and obstacles posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • I am happy that despite these painful circumstances, we can still pursue a broad and forward looking agenda of cooperation and integration under SCO.
  • Excellencies, This is an important year for India in SCO. We are going to convene a summit level meeting “SCO Council of Heads of Government” for the first time.
  • A broad agenda has been drafted for this meeting, with special attention to economic cooperation. We have proposed the making of a Special Working Group on Innovation and Startups to share our rich experience in the startup ecosystem.
  • We have also proposed a Working Group on Traditional Medicine, so that the knowledge of traditional and ancient medicine is spread across SCO countries and the headway in contemporary medicine can complement each other.
  • Excellencies, India firmly believes that with the combination of economic multilateralism and national capacity building, SCO countries can escape from the crisis of pandemic led economic losses.
  • We are moving ahead with a vision of a “Self-reliant India” in the post-pandemic world. I believe that “Self-reliant India” will prove to be a Force Multiplier for the global economy and will accelerate the economic progress of the SCO region.
  • Excellencies, India maintains close cultural and historical ties with the SCO nations. Our ancestors kept alive this shared historical and cultural heritage with their untiring and persistent contacts.
  • Steps such as the International North South Transport Corridor, Chabahar Port, Ashgabat Agreements, reflect India’s strong resolve towards connectivity.
  • India believes that to further deepen Connectivity, it is necessary to carry forward with the core principles respecting each other’s sovereignty, and Territorial Integrity.
  • Excellencies, The United Nations has completed its 75 years. But despite many achievements, the basic goal of the United Nations is still unaccomplished.
  • The world struggling with the pandemic led economic and social suffering is expected to bring about radical changes in the UN systems.
  • It is said in our scriptures “Parivartanme Sthirmasti” – Change is the only permanency. Beginning 2021 India will participate in the UN Security Council as a non-permanent member. Our focus will be on bringing possible changes in global governance process.

