Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

PM’s interaction with Civil Services Probationers at AARAMBH 2020

  • Our younger generation is playing a major role in governance, ready to think out of the box and intends to do something new. This has given me a new hope.
  • So, I congratulate you all! Last year on this day, I had a very detailed conversation with the previous batch of trainee officers in Kevadia And it was decided that every year for this special event – AARAMBH.
  • We will meet at the statue of Sardar Patel here, on the banks of Mother Narmada and together contemplate and try to give a shape to our ideas. But this time it has not been possible because of Corona.
  • This time you are all in Mussoorie, connected with me virtually.
  • I urge all the people and officers associated with this system that as soon as the impact of the corona starts reducing, you must organize a small camp here close to this magnificent statue of Sardar Patel.
  • Spend some time here and feel for yourself how this unique destination of India is developing as a tourist destination.
  • Friends, There is a huge difference in the conditions that existed a year back and the conditions that persist here today.
  • I believe that in this time of crisis, you must have learnt a lot by looking at the way the country has worked, the way the systems of the country have worked.
  • If you have observed closely, you might also have felt a lot assured. There were a lot of things for which the country depended upon the other countries before.
  • But in its fight against Corona, today, India is in a position to export many of those things. This is a great example of ‘Sankalp se Siddhi’.
  • Friends, This is an important period in the development journey of India. The time at which you have been inducted into the civil service, is very special.
  • When your batch starts working, when you will actually get to work on field, India will be celebrating its 75 years of independence, which is a great milestone.
  • That is, you will enter into this system and India will be celebrating the festival of 75 years of Indian Independence! And Friends,
  • Write this down in your diary, don’t forget that you are going to be the officers who will be serving India and will be at an important phase of your career and life when India will celebrate 100 years of its independence.
  • These 25 years between 75 years and 100 years of independence, are very important for India.
  • You are the lucky generation; you are the people who will be a part of the most important administrative systems in these 25 years.
  • In the next 25 years, you will have the huge responsibility of the country’s security, security of the poor, welfare of farmers, interest of women and youth, and looking at India’s place at the global platform.
  • Many of us will not be with you then, but you will be there, your resolutions will be there, you will be fulfilling the resolutions; and so on this auspicious day, you have to make several promises to yourself, not to me, but to yourself.
  • Only you will be a witness to your promises. I request you to give yourself half an hour before going to sleep tonight. Write down everything that is going on in your mind, about your duties, responsibilities and resolutions.
  • Friends, The paper on which you will write your resolutions, the paper on which you will give words to your dreams, that piece of paper, will not just be a piece of paper anymore, but will be a piece of your heart.


(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)