Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

PM’s address at Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2020

  • Friends, The 21st century is the era of knowledge. This is the time to increase focus on: Learning, Research, Innovation. And, this is exactly what India’s National Education Policy, 2020 does. This Policy wants to make your School, College and University experience: Fruitful Broad-based. One that guides you to your natural passions.
  • Friends, You are among the best and brightest of India. This Hackathon is not the first problem you have tried to solve. Nor is this the last. I want you, and youngsters like you not to stop doing three things: Learning, Questioning, Solving.
  • When you learn, you get the wisdom to question. When you question, you get out-of-the-box methods to solve problems. When you do that, you grow. Due to your effort, our nation grows. Our planet prospers .
  • Friends, India’s National Education Policy reflects these spirits. We are shifting from: The burden of the school bag, which does not last beyond school. To the boon of learning which helps for life. From simply memorizing to critical thinking.
  • For years, the limitations of the system had an adverse effect on the lives of students. No longer! The National Education Policy reflects the aspirations of young India. It is not process centric, It is people centric and future centric.
  • Friends, Among the most exciting things of the Policy is the emphasis on inter-disciplinary study. This concept has been gaining popularity. And, rightly so. One size does not fit all. One subject does not define who you are. There are no limits to discovering something new.
  • Human history has many examples of stalwarts who have excelled in diverse areas. Be it Aryabhata, Leonardo da Vinci, Helen Keller, Gurudev Tagore. Now, we have done away with some traditional boundaries between arts, science, commerce.
  • If someone is interested, they can learn: Maths and Music together, or Coding and Chemistry together. This will ensure the focus is on what the student wants to learn. Rather than what the student is expected to, by society. Inter-disciplinary studies gives you control. In the process, it also makes you flexible.
  • In the National Education Policy, Flexibility has been given great importance. There are provisions for multiple entry and exits. No one way streets for a student.
  • The Under-Graduate experience can either be a three or four year journey. Students will enjoy the advantages of an Academic Bank of Credit, which will store all the academic credits acquired.
  • These can be transferred and counted in the final degree. Such flexibility was long needed in our education system. I am happy the National Education Policy has addressed this aspect .
  • Friends, National Education Policy is big on access to education starting from primary education. In Higher Education, the aim is to increase Gross Enrolment Ratio to 50 percent by 2035. Other efforts be it Gender Inclusion Fund, Special Education Zones, options for Open and Distance Learning will also help.


(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)