Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

PM’s address at 66th Convocation of IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal

  • Today is important not for only those students of IIT Kharagpur who are getting degrees. Today is equally important for the building of a new India.
  • The expectations from you are not just from your parents and professors, but you represent the aspirations of 130 crore Indians.
  • Therefore, the 21st Century self-reliant India expects new leadership for the new ecosystem from this institute.
  • The new ecosystem in the world of our start-ups, the new ecosystem in the world of our innovation research.
  • The new ecosystem in our corporate world, and the new ecosystem in the administrative system of the country.
  • Not only do you have to start a new life for yourself after graduating from this campus, you also have to become a start-up in yourself that will change the lives of millions of people in the country.
  • Therefore, this degree, the medal that is in your hands, is a kind of a letter of aspiration for millions of hopes that you have to fulfill. You should also anticipate the future while keeping an eye on the present.
  • If we start working today for our present requirements and the requirements needed 10 years later, then India will develop tomorrow’s innovations today.
  • Friends, As an engineer, there is an inherent ability within you and that is the ability to develop things from pattern to patent. In a way, you have the ability to look at subjects in a specific way and with a new vision.
  • Therefore, you are able to see the problems and their patterns very closely from the repository of information around us.
  • Patterns are associated with each problem. The understanding of problems’ patterns leads us to their long term solutions.
  • This understanding becomes a cornerstone of new discoveries and breakthroughs in the future.
  • Imagine how many lives you can change, how many lives you can save, you can save the resources of the country, if you understand the patterns and find solutions.
  • And there is also a possibility that the same solution will give you commercial success in the future.
  • Friends, No doubt, you will face many questions when you embark on the journey of your life.
  • Whether it is right or wrong, whether it will lead to losses or will the time not be wasted. Many such queries will trap your mind.
  • The answer to all these questions is Self Three. I am not talking about Selfie, but Self Three.
  • Self-awareness, Self-confidence and the most potent Selflessness. You need to recognize your strength and move forward confidently and selflessly.



