Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation

A Y20 “Yuva Samvaad”, Social Media Influencer meet at Nagpur was organised the presence of Mr. Somadatta Karanjekar

A #Y20 “Yuva Samvaad” , Social Media Influencer meet at Nagpur was organised the presence of Mr. Somadatta Karanjekar – Chair person Wainganga Education Group.

Keynote speakers at the event were Mr. @NikhilChandwani – TedX Speaker &author of 14 books, Dharmendra Turkar – Principal of ASDC College ,Mansse Bhandari – CEO of Fun N Food India.

The topic of discussion at the event was- “Gig Economy, Impact of Social Media & Involvement of Youth in Democracy and National Growth”.


(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)