“Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s brilliant ideas have consistently prioritized the welfare of common people, focusing on inclusive growth and empowerment. From the UJALA scheme, providing affordable LED lighting to millions, to initiatives like Swachh Bharat and Jan Dhan Yojana, Modi’s policies have transformed everyday lives, reducing costs and enhancing accessibility. His vision for a self-reliant India has given ordinary citizens the tools to thrive, making them active participants in the nation’s progress.”
On January 5, 2025, the UJALA (Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All) scheme celebrated its 10th anniversary, marking a significant achievement in India’s journey toward energy efficiency and sustainable development. Launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 5, 2015, this visionary initiative aimed to revolutionize the household lighting sector by providing affordable, energy-efficient LED bulbs, tube lights, and fans to millions of homes across India. Over the past decade, UJALA has not only become the world’s largest zero-subsidy domestic lighting program but has also made an indelible impact on the nation’s energy consumption, cost savings, and environmental preservation.
Empowering Households with Energy-Efficient Lighting
Before the launch of the UJALA scheme in 2015, India’s lighting sector faced significant inefficiencies. Traditional incandescent bulbs and CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) were widely used, both consuming excessive amounts of electricity. Incandescent bulbs typically consumed around 60W of power, while CFLs used 15W, which still resulted in high electricity costs for households. Despite being more efficient than incandescent bulbs, CFLs posed environmental and health risks due to the mercury they contained. If broken, they could release toxic mercury vapors, harming both human health and the environment. This inefficiency, coupled with the pollution associated with CFLs, made it clear that India needed a sustainable and energy-efficient solution for its lighting needs.
The high retail price of LED bulbs, around Rs 450–500 in 2014, further hindered their adoption, making them unaffordable for most households when compared to the much cheaper CFLs (Rs 100–150) and incandescent bulbs (Rs 10–15). This created a barrier for LED technology despite its superior energy efficiency. The launch of the UJALA scheme aimed to overcome this challenge by making LED bulbs accessible to millions of Indians at a fraction of the cost. This transformative initiative brought affordable, energy-efficient LED lighting to the masses, addressing both economic and environmental concerns while significantly reducing electricity consumption and carbon footprints.
To solve this problem, UJALA enabled consumers to purchase LED bulbs for just Rs 70, LED tube lights for Rs 220, and energy-efficient fans for Rs 1,110. These prices were made possible through competitive bidding, which lowered the cost of LEDs for consumers while ensuring transparency and efficiency in distribution. Today, a 7W LED bulb provides the same amount of light as a 60W incandescent bulb but uses only 1 unit of electricity compared to 9 units consumed by an incandescent lamp. This translates into substantial savings, with the annual cost of operating an LED bulb standing at just Rs 12 compared to Rs 40 for CFLs and Rs 108 for incandescent bulbs.
A Decade of Impact: Energy & Cost Savings, & Environmental Benefits
As of January 6, 2025, the UJALA scheme has distributed over 36.87 crore LED bulbs across India, making it one of the most successful energy efficiency initiatives in the country. These bulbs have resulted in annual savings of ₹19,153 crore, significantly reducing the electricity bills for millions of households. UJALA has not only brought about cost savings for consumers but has also played a crucial role in mitigating climate change by reducing carbon emissions.
Moreover, UJALA has led to the sale of 407.92 crore LED bulbs in the Indian market, transforming the lighting industry and contributing to India’s energy conservation goals. The scheme’s success is also reflected in the significant reduction in peak electricity demand and the lowering of the nation’s carbon footprint.
Transforming Public Lighting with SLNP
The UJALA initiative, which focused on transforming household lighting across India, was complemented by the launch of the Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP). Both programmes, under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, formed the backbone of India’s drive toward energy efficiency and sustainability. The SLNP aimed to replace outdated and energy-intensive streetlights across the nation with smart, energy-efficient LED streetlights. This move was intended not only to reduce energy consumption but also to create long-term financial savings for municipalities while contributing to environmental sustainability.
As of January 2025, over 1.34 crore (13.4 million) LED streetlights have been installed across urban local bodies (ULBs) and rural areas under the SLNP. This large-scale installation has led to an impressive annual energy saving of 9,001 million units (MUs) of electricity, which is a significant reduction in the nation’s power consumption. To put this into perspective, this is equivalent to powering millions of homes annually without adding to the strain on India’s energy grid. The transition to LED streetlights has also resulted in a reduction of more than 6.2 million tonnes of CO₂ emissions per year, which is a major contribution toward India’s climate change mitigation goals.
Additionally, the SLNP has helped municipalities drastically reduce their operational costs. Traditionally, streetlights required regular maintenance, consumed large amounts of energy, and had high operational costs. By replacing conventional streetlights with LEDs, the programme has not only led to lower energy bills but also reduced the maintenance burden on local governments. The LED lights, which have a longer lifespan and require less frequent maintenance, have contributed to a substantial decrease in the long-term costs for local bodies.
Unique Financing Model by EESL
The SLNP has also implemented a unique financing model, where Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) handles the initial cost of installation. Municipalities repay the investment over time through monthly or quarterly payments, eliminating the need for upfront capital expenditure. This model has made it easier for local bodies, especially those with limited budgets, to implement energy-efficient solutions. Furthermore, the programme ensures that the LED streetlights maintain a high level of performance, with over 95% uptime, thereby improving public safety and providing reliable lighting for urban and rural areas alike.
UJALA and the Modi’s Commitment to a Sustainable Future
The economic benefits of UJALA are complemented by its environmental impact. The scheme has contributed to reducing carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions by 46 million tonnes annually, aligning with India’s climate change mitigation goals and its commitment to the Paris Agreement. By transitioning to LED lighting, India has taken a major step in its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and foster a more sustainable future.
Beyond economic savings and environmental benefits, the UJALA scheme has played a pivotal role in enhancing public awareness about energy efficiency. By educating citizens on the advantages of using energy-efficient lighting, UJALA has fostered a culture of sustainability and conscious energy consumption. This change in behavior is in line with the government’s broader goals of promoting energy efficiency across all sectors of the economy.
Alongside UJALA, the Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP) has furthered India’s commitment to sustainability. The SLNP aims to replace traditional streetlights with energy-efficient LED lights across urban and rural areas, leading to an annual energy saving of 9,001 million units and reducing CO₂ emissions by 6.2 million tonnes per year. This initiative, which has improved street lighting across the country, is not only enhancing public safety but also contributing to significant cost savings for municipalities.
As the UJALA scheme marks its 10th anniversary, it stands as a remarkable example of how a forward-thinking government initiative can reshape a nation’s energy consumption patterns, reduce costs for consumers, and significantly reduce the environmental impact. UJALA, along with the Street Lighting National Programme, is a testament to Prime Minister Modi’s commitment to sustainable development, energy conservation, and climate change mitigation. These initiatives have brought India one step closer to realizing a prosperous, energy-efficient, and environmentally sustainable future.
Through strategic initiatives that prioritize affordability, energy conservation, and environmental sustainability, these programmes have transformed India’s lighting market, saved billions for consumers, and helped reduce the nation’s carbon footprint. As India continues to pursue its energy efficiency and climate goals, UJALA stand as shining examples of how Modi government-led efforts can drive economic growth, environmental preservation, and a more sustainable future for generations to come. The Modi government’s approach has not only illuminated the homes of millions but has also paved the way for a brighter, greener India.
(The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the organisation)